Wonderful for use in protection, purification & cleansing rites as it is a potent repellent of negative energies and a purifier of space. It can be used solid like chalk to write or draw symbols on a surface. When water is added to it, it can be used as a paint on the body or other surfaces. Cascarilla can be used to dust the body or around the home for protection or warding off spiritual entities, and aid in psychic protection or energetic vampires. Cascarilla can also be added to a bath for purification purposes.
Pursuant to State and Federal laws, we at WitchyStore.com, Conjurings Of a Witch, are unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magical or medicinal of any of our products. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only" All information herein is from traditional or historical reference and intended to help you make an informed decision.